Thank you for your support! Our NFT lucky draw has ended. The results has been announced on July 6, 2022. The winners shall receive an email notice for the detailed prize redemption procedures.

stephy, livi bank

Explore the liviVerse

Mochis are our brave and lively metaverse characters who have travelled across time from faraway, and found their way to our liviVerse, transforming into exclusive NFTs!

We’ll be giving away 1,888 non-transactional NFTs. Follow along the 3 simple steps below to join our lucky draw:

  1. Download the livi app and open a new account
  2. Click "liviVerse: Get exclusive NFT by joining the lucky draw" on "Happiness" page
  3. Click "Share and Join Lucky Draw" to share the page with your family and friends
stephy, livi bank

Questions and Answers

Log in to the livi app and go into the liviVerse from the Happiness tab. If you've won a livi NFT, you will see it in the liviVerse.
NFT stands for non-fungible token. It is a non-interchangeable unit of data stored on a blockchain, a form of digital ledger.
Blockchain is a distributed ledger (or database) of transactions that is not controlled by a central authority. Blockchain stores data in blocks, which differs from a typical database. Once transactions are added to a ledger, they are immutable, meaning they cannot be modified or erased.
You are granted a license to display the livi NFT allocated to you for your private, non-commercial use. As an NFT holder, you may enjoy exclusive access to livi's service, discounts, and many more features to come in liviVerse. Stay tuned!