Frequently Asked Questions

You can apply for livi Business if:

•    Your company is registered in Hong Kong 
•    All account users hold a HKID or a mainland resident identity card and a liviSave account
•    Your business is a single-layered sole proprietorship, partnership, or limited company
•    You’re the ultimate beneficiary owner, director, or ultimate controller of the company

Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO): 
•    In sole proprietorships, the company owner is the Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO). 
•    In partnerships, both company partners are the UBOs. 
•    In a limited company, the UBO owns or controls, directly or indirectly, not less than 25% of the issued share capital or the capital or the profits of the company; or is directly or indirectly entitled to exercise or control the exercise of not less than 25% of the voting rights of the company; or exercises ultimate control over the management of the company.

•    Senior member of the company with influence over the day-today management and running of the business who has been duly appointed and is listed in the company’s register of directors as a current director.

Ultimate Controller: 
•    Exercises ultimate control over the management of the company.

The application can be done in as quick as 20 minutes. All you need is:

•    A smartphone (running iOS10.3/Android 7.0 or higher) to download livi App from app store and follow the guided steps to first create liviSave, a personal savings account for identity verification
•    Next, follow through to create livi Business account for your company
•    The application will be sent to account users including ultimate beneficiary owner, directors and ultimate controller for endorsement at their own liviSave account
•    Pay for the application fee from liviSave account 
•    Accept the review result from us to activate the livi Business account

Business account opening is easy and document-free! 

You don't need to upload any document during the Account Opening process. However, depending on the actual circumstances of each individual application, we may ask you to provide the following additional documents for approval:

• Audit report
• Company official website and/or social media page
• Current company payroll record / tax record
• Invoice
• MPF supporting document
• Sales contract and agreement
• Rental agreement for office/shop or property search report
• Shareholder(s) and director(s) background information
• Trading document


Depending on your company background, you may also need to provide these documents:

Company incorporated for less than 1 year in Hong Kong:
• Business plan
• Communication records with potential buyer and supplier
• Latest 3 months’ personal bank statements of shareholder(s) and director(s)


If any non-Hong Kong directors/shareholders or related companies in mainland:
• Non-Hong Kong Entity company document
• Latest 3 months’ bank statements for non-Hong Kong Entity
• Latest audit report for non-Hong Kong Entity
• List of top 3 buyers and suppliers with invoices and/or agreement
• Shipping documents such as airway bill or bill lading

The general application fee is HK$1,200 regardless account is successfully opened or not, additional account opening fee may incur for special type of company

This is necessary for us to verify your identity and accept your instructions against the company. It is mandatory for you to keep liviSave account active. 
To learn more about how livi will use your personal information, please refer to the Personal Information Collection Statement on our website or in app.

This could happen for a few reasons, the most common being:

•    Your company is registered outside of Hong Kong
•    Your company structure involves any entities registered outside of Hong Kong
•    You are not the ultimate beneficiary owner, director, or ultimate controller of the company
•    We are unable to verify the nominated account users or they have rejected your application
•    We were unable to approve your application based on the company information you provided. Please contact liviCare at (852) 2929-2998 for assistance

For livi Business application, endorsement by account users as specified in the application is required.
We will conduct application review immediately upon your payment of application fee. 
In most cases, the review result will be ready no more than 1 working day. We will notify you once the review result is ready for account activation, or if we need additional information from you through both email and SMS/push notification as per your choice.

We take your data privacy seriously. We collect and use your personal data and the personal data of other individuals connected with you from time to time for providing accounts, services, products and activities and other purposes set out in our Personal Information Collection Statement (PICS). If you do not supply the personal data required by us, we may be unable to provide or continue to provide accounts, services, products or activities to you.

You can refer to the PICS on the livi website or livi app for more details of how we use the personal data and your right to access and/or correct your personal data.

We understand that you may wish to set different approval authority to your company members when operating livi Business account. We strongly encourage you to do so for your own protection. 

•    Account Controller: One of the authorized signatories to operate your account with full authority to do everything in relation to your business accounts 
•    Approver: One of the authorized signatories to operate your account with limited approval authority as per set out
•    Basic User & Viewer: An account user with no approval authority 

You can find detailed explanation in Appendix E of Conditions For Services. 

Subject to your business operation protocol, you may choose freely to assign 1 or 2 Account Controller(s) to give instruction and agreement with us.
Simply said, instruction given by 2 Account Controllers are a more prudent handling of your account. 

Sorry, you cannot apply livi Business account for your boss.  
We only accept application from ultimate beneficiary owner, director, or ultimate controller of the company.  
We can only process one livi Business application at a time.  
However, you can submit another application when the first livi Business application is successfully processed. 
Account opening is easy and document-less, with quick approval process, account can be ready as quick as in 24 hours!
After account is activated, you may add up to 50 company members to operate the livi business account.   
During account opening stage, initial applicant can add up to 10 company members, limited to ultimate beneficiary owner, director and ultimate controller.

Account Controller can add a new company member and/or new user (i.e. Approver, Basic User or Viewer) directly on livi App. Please follow steps below:

1.    Choose “Company Member" on the Settings screen
2.    Select “add member icon” on the top right corner and fill in details of the new member/user
3.    Assign designated company role and account role and follow the instructions

New Account Controller can only be promoted from company member list who is currently an Approver, Basic User or Viewer.
This instruction can only be initiated by a current Account Controller who needs to submit the request on livi App and serve a new Mandate. Please follow steps below:

1.    Tap "Signatory Settings" on the Settings screen
2.    Select “Edit Signatory Settings” and follow the instructions

For sure!
To change Approver, Basic User and Viewer is simple, it can be done easily by Account Controller directly on livi App, please follow steps below:

1.    Tap "Company Member" on the Settings screen
2.    Select the member and tap “edit” at “Assigned Role” section
3.    Select your desired account role and follow the instructions

However, if you wish to change Account Controller as stated in your current Mandate, you may serve a new Mandate to us to process this change, please follow steps below:

1.    Tap "Signatory Settings" on the Settings screen
2.    Select “Edit Signatory Settings” and follow the instructions

To remove Approver, Basic User and/or Viewer is simple, it can be done easily by Account Controller directly on livi App, please follow steps below:

1.    Tap "Company Member" on the Settings screen
2.    Select the member and tap “remove member” button at the bottom of the page

If you wish to change signing arrangement as stated in your current Mandate, Account Controller may submit the request on livi App and serve a new Mandate to us to process this change, please follow steps below:

1.    Tap "Signatory Settings" on the Settings screen
2.    Select “Edit Signatory Settings” and follow the instructions

We understand your company member may change from time to time. When it happens, please inform us immediately of the changes via livi App, please note that we only accept changes instruction from Account Controller. Please follow steps below:

1.    Tap "Company Member" on the Settings screen
2.    Select the member and tap “edit” at “Role of Company Member” section
3.    Select appropriate role and follow the instructions

Upon receiving your instruction, we will conduct review internally before executing your instruction. Please note that a company search might be required.

We are sorry to see you go! 
Please contact liviCare at (852) 2929-2998 for assistance.
If you would like to obtain your confirmation of account balance or an audit/bank confirmation for your livi Business account, please contact liviCare at (852) 2929-2998 for assistance. HK$100 will be charged per account for the confirmation of account balance. HK$300 will be charged for the audit/bank confirmation for audit purpose. Please refer to the Fees & Charges (Business) for details.

The daily interest is calculated based on your end-of-day balance and current interest rate. The annual interest amount is calculated based on the following (including both common and leap years):

•    HKD – 365 days

•    CNY – 360 days

•    USD – 360 days

You can check the interest earned every month on livi app.

With effect from 1 October 2024, the maximum deposit protection limit per depositor, including both principal and interest, will increase from HKD500,000 to HKD800,000.
Deposit Protection Scheme (DPS) protects depositors by paying compensation to them in the event of a bank failure. In Hong Kong, the DPS is established under the Deposit Protection Scheme Ordinance. In case a member bank of DPS (a Scheme member) fails, the Deposit Protection Scheme will pay compensation up to a maximum of HKD800,000 to each depositor of the failed Scheme member.

We currently offer HKD, CNY and USD savings.

The minimum deposit amount of time deposit is 500 HKD.
The maximum deposit amount of time deposit is 10,000,000 HKD livi Business account.
The interest rate and tenor of time deposit changes with the prevailing market conditions. You can always check the interest rate and tenor of time deposit in the livi app.
Account Controller and Approver
-Place and approve Time Deposit (Time Deposit amount can exceed account role’s daily approval limit)
-Request early withdrawal
-Change maturity instruction
-View Time Deposit details
-Check account balances and history

Basic User
-Place Time Deposit

-Check account balances and history
You can place time deposit at any time of the day on livi app.

You can select below maturity instruction option:
Option 1: Credit to Savings: Both principal and interest will be credited to your Savings Account upon maturity /
Option 2: Renew Principal and Interest: Both principal and interest will continue to renew with same tenor and at the respective interest rate on the date of maturity /
Option 3: Renew principal, credit interest to Savings: The principal will continue to rollover with same tenor and at the respective interest rate on the date of maturity, and interest will be credited to Savings Account

You can amend the maturity instruction before the maturity date of time deposit on livi app.
You can only early withdraw entire principal of time deposit.
No interest will be payable and a fee will be charged according to the below formula upon early withdrawal:

Time Deposit Principal x (6.75%- Time Deposit Interest Rate*) x No. of Days due to Maturity/365 or HKD200, whichever is higher

*Quoted by the date of Time Deposit placement.
Note : After imposing the early withdrawal handling fee, the principal amount received may be less than the original Time Deposit placement amount.
You can't adjust time deposit principal amount once the time deposit has been confirmed.
We support the following type of transfers:

•    Instant HKD and CNY transfers via FPS

•    Local USD transfers via the Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) system

Please note,livi Business does not provide cross-border fund transfers services via RTGS system and any corss-border remittance services.

Tap "Transfer" on the Overview screen to begin. We support transfers via recipient's mobile number/ email address/ account number / FPS ID.
Once you have confirmed the transfer details, the instruction will be processed. Depending on your company's settings, approval from Account Controller or Approver may be required.
First, you must be one of the authorized persons (i.e. Account Controller or Approver). As an authorised person, once a transfer instruction has been initiated, you will be notified, and the instruction will be displayed in your WorkStation for your approval.
The transactions you can approve are subject to the approval class and individual approval limit set by the company.

As the instruction maker, you can always do so before it gets approved and processed! Please follow steps below:

1.    Tap “WorkStation” on the Overview screen
2.    Select the instruction you wish to cancel
3.    Tap “Cancel Instruction” button at the bottom of the page

Yes, there is a daily maximum transfer limit.
Your maximum Daily Transfer Limit is in HKD500,000 equivalent if you pass a satisfactory check by us, shared by all currencies (if any). If Account Controller would like to view and set the limit, please follow the steps below:

1.    Tap "Settings" on the Overview screen
2.    Select "Bank Services"
3.    Select "Daily Transfer Limit" and follow the instructions

Approval class allows Account Controller to delegate approval authority to Approver(s) in accordance with an assigned limit.
Account Controller can set up to 5 approval classes with the following steps:

1.    Tap "Settings" on the Overview screen
2.    Select "Bank Services"
3.    Select "Approval Class" and follow the instructions

To well protect your account and business interest, as an Account Controller, you can set the approval limit for each Approver. 
If Account Controller would like to set the daily approval limit, please follow steps below:

1.    Tap "Settings" on the Overview screen
2.    Select "Bank Services"
3.    Select "Daily Approval Limit" and follow the instructions

We charge transaction fee based on channels, currencies and transaction amount. Details can be referred to the Fees & Charges (for livi Business). Please note the receiving institution may also impose charges on transfers, you may contact the receiving institution for details.

For FPS (i.e. HKD, CNY) transfers, the instruction will be processed and received by the recipient immediately in general, whereas RTGS (i.e. USD) transfers may subject to the business hours of the RTGS system. Actual receiving time would also depend on the arrangement of the receiving institution.

We currently offer HKD, CNY and USD transfers.

You can create transfer instructions anytime, yet the execution time may subject to the signing arrangement of your account and business hours of the system.

Our bank code is 388. The bank code is a unique code assigned by Hong Kong Interbank Clearing Limited (HKICL). Every institution must have at least one bank code in their clearing system, even if there is no physical branch.

Account Controller can follow simple steps below:

1.    Tap "Transfer" on the Overview screen
2.    Select "Transfer Settings” from the top right hand corner option menu
3.    Then tap "Register for FPS"
4.    Follow the instructions to register for FPS using your mobile number, email address or FPS ID

The approval from the other Account Controller might be required subject to your signatory setting. 

Easy breezy: 
Account Controller can

1.    Tap "Transfer" on the Overview screen
2.    Select "Transfer Settings” from the top right hand corner option menu
3.    Select "Transfer" then "Register for FPS"
4.    Tap "Remove" beside mobile number, email address or FPS ID
5.    Follow the instruction to confirm the deregistration instruction.

The approval of another Account Controller might be required subject to your signatory setting.

When there has been no transaction or activity on your account for 24 consecutive months (or such other period that we may set from time to time), your account will be classified as dormant and may be suspended.
You can perform a transaction with your account(s) at least once within 24 months, such as depositing into your savings / time deposit account or making transfers.
If you would like to reactivate your dormant account, please contact the liviCare 24-hour hotline via (852) 2929 2998 for our arrangement.
If you would like to close your account, please contact liviCare 24-hour hotline via (852) 2929 2998 for our arrangement. Please be reminded to clear out all account remaining balance and download and save all necessary account statements (if applicable) for record purposes before account closure, as you will no longer be able to access the statements in livi app after account closure.

You can apply for livi Business Instalment Loan if:

•    Hong Kong registered company
•    Your company operates for at least 1 year

You can apply for livi Business Instalment Loan (SFGS) if:

•    Your company is a Hong Kong registered company
•    Your company must have been in operation for at least one year in Hong Kong

No tangible collateral is required while personal guarantee is needed.

The monthly flat rate is used to calculate the total interest amount for your loan as follows:

Total interest amount = Loan amount x Monthly flat rate x Repayment period.

The Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is a reference rate which includes all applicable interest rates, fees, and charges pertaining to a loan product, expressed as an annualised rate. It is calculated using a method specified in relevant guidelines set out by The Hong Kong Association of Banks, and is rounded up or down to the nearest two decimal places. This rate will vary based on different factors such as loan amount and repayment period, you can view relevant information on the Flexi Loan "Personal Loan" Calculator, Accept Offer, and Instalment Details page.

The "Rule of 78" is a general method used by banks and financial institutions to allocate the total interest amount of the loan across the repayment period, based on the sum of the months as digits. Under this rule, interest payments will decrease with every instalment until the end of the repayment period. Using a 12-month repayment period as an example, interest payments will be allocated based on the sum of (12 + 11 + 10 +… +3 + 2 + 1 ) = 78. The first interest payment will be calculated as 12 / 78 of the total interest amount, followed by the second interest payment of 11 / 78 of the total interest amount and so on, until the 12th interest payment, which will be equal to 1 / 78 of the total interest amount.

Interest rate varies based on applicants’ financial status, credit rating, and facility amount.

The facility arrangement fee of livi Business Instalment Loan is 0.5% of facility limit with a minimum of HK$1,000.
The requirements of documents vary depending on the loan amount. Please contact us for details.
The approval time will depend on the multiple factors, such as the applicant's financial status, credit rating, loan amount and loan tenor. 

Single upfront guarantee fee will be debited when the loan drawdown to your account, and will be paid to The Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation Limited by the Bank in accordance with prescribed procedures. You can obtain a rough indication of the guarantee fee amount by making use of the Guarantee Fee Calculator in the HKMCI official website ( The final Guarantee Fee charged will be subject to the Guarantee provided by HKMCI.

You only need to reserve enough funds in your livi Business account, and we will automatically deduct the repayment amount from your livi Business account on the repayment date.
For each instalment, we will add up all your repayable amounts of this loan as the repayment amount you need to pay on the repayment date. 

We will set the monthly repayment date according to your first withdrawal date. If the month does not have the same date, the repayment date is the last day of the month. If the repayment date falls on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday, we will also automatically debit your livi Business account on that day.

If you want to early settle the loan, please notify livi 7 calendar days in advance. However, early repayment requires full repayment and 5% of the early repayment amount is paid as an early repayment fee. 
If any repayments are not repaid in full on the repayment date, default interest will be charged. Such default interest rate will accrue daily on a 365-day year basis (or 366-day basis in a leap year) until the date of actual repayment. A minimum default interest of HK$100 will be charged. In addition, each overdue will incur an overdue fee of HK $300.


Opening is easy and can be done in as quick as 5 minutes. You can apply for liviSave if you are: 


- At least 18 or above with a Smart Hong Kong Adult Identity Card
- A Hong Kong resident with a valid Hong Kong address
- Currently in Hong Kong and have a Hong Kong mobile number
- A smartphone with front and back cameras running iOS 10.3 / Android 7.0 or higher

Once you have these, simply download livi app from the app store and register.

This could happen for a few reasons, the most common being:

- You are under 18 years old
- You already have liviSave
- We were unable to approve your application based on the personal information you provided. Please contact liviCare at (852) 2929 2998 for assistance. 

It's completely free!

In most cases, your account will be ready instantly. If not, we will do our best to get back to you within two business days. We will notify you via SMS, email or phone call once your account is ready, or if we need additional information from you.


This is so we have alternative ways of contacting you to provide information about your account. To learn more about how livi will use your personal information, please refer to the Personal Information Collection Statement on our website or in app.

You can check the latest application status via livi app.

During the photo taking, you need to:
1. Remove all accessories (e.g., hat, sunglasses, mask).
2. Position your eyes within the circles.
3. When the circles turn green – blink.
4. Wait for the countdown, then blink again.

livi PayLater is a credit product which provides revolving loan facility.

livi does not accept new livi PayLater applications at the moment, and has suspended our livi PayLater service starting from 26 September 2024. Existing users won't be able to make new transactions, either via Spending Instalment or Instant Cash, from this date.

For each spending instalment, a personalised monthly handling fee will be charged. Please refer to the Key Facts Statement and Fees & Charges for details.

The Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is a reference rate which includes all applicable interest rates, fees, and charges pertaining to a loan product, expressed as an annualised rate. It is calculated using a method specified in relevant guidelines set out by The Hong Kong Association of Banks, and is rounded up or down to the nearest two decimal places. This rate will vary based on different factors such as loan amount and repayment period, you can view relevant information on the livi PayLater Accept Offer, and Instalment Details page.

You can only change the repayment period of your spending instalment once for each purchase before the issuance of the first statement. 
*You cannot change the repayment period of instant cash instalment after loan drawdown.

If you notice any suspicious or unauthorised transaction(s), please contact us at (852) 2929 2998 immediately. To raise any chargeback request, please apply on or before 31 December 2024. You may also refer to the Transaction Dispute Form provided in our website for more details on chargeback mechanism. 

To raise a chargeback request in livi app, you can
1. Tap "Get Help" on the Transaction Details page
2. Tap "Raise a Dispute"
3. Follow the instructions on the screen to fill in the relevant information and provide the required documents

Please contact liviCare at (852) 2929 2998 or via Live Chat for further assistance.

(You may refer to livi Debit Mastercard FAQ for more details.)

If we receive any refund from the acquiring bank and merchant due to your successful chargeback, the amount will be credited to your liviSave account. You can choose to settle the corresponding livi PayLater facility in full (partial payment is not allowed) early using this refund, in which case we will waive your early settlement fees. You may also keep the refund and repay the relevant livi PayLater facility according to its original repayment schedule.

The monthly flat rate is used to calculate the total interest amount for your instant cash loan as follows:

Total interest amount = Loan amount x Monthly flat rate x Repayment period.

The "Rule of 78" is a general method used by banks and financial institutions to allocate the total interest amount of the loan across the repayment period, based on the sum of the months as digits. Under this rule, interest payments will decrease with every instalment until the end of the repayment period. Using a 12-month repayment period as an example, interest payments will be allocated based on the sum of (12 + 11 + 10 +… +3 + 2 + 1 ) = 78. The first interest payment will be calculated as 12 / 78 of the total interest amount, followed by the second interest payment of 11 / 78 of the total interest amount and so on, until the 12th interest payment, which will be equal to 1 / 78 of the total interest amount.
Each statement will show the amount you need to repay on the due date. You can make repayments in your livi app, or leave sufficient funds in your liviSave for automatic repayment on the due date. 
The repayment date is the 10th of each month. If it falls on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday, we will still automatically deduct the amount from your liviSave account on the same day.
You can early repay your outstanding loan amount in full for both spending instalment and/or cash loan instalment. However, you cannot choose to repay part of the loan. Early repayment means repaying the outstanding loan principal and any interest payable in full. Early settlement is also subject to 3% handling fee on the repaid principal amount. (Note: Early settlement handling fee is waived within the promotional period until further notice.) 
For cash instalment loan, the proportion of interest and principal in each monthly repayment is calculated according to the Rule of 78. Please refer to the Key Facts Statement and Fees & Charges for details.
If you cannot settle your repayment amount in full on the due date, a late repayment fee and a default interest will be charged. Default interest is accrued on a daily basis starting from the due date of the relevant payment, calculated based on the unpaid principal amount. If your repayment is overdue for 10 days while your outstanding principal is HKD10,000, the default interest will be HKD98.63 and the late repayment fee will be HKD300. (Note: The late payment fee is a monthly blanket fee of HKD300 or the instalment payment due and payable, whichever is lower. livi may adjust the fee from time to time.)
You may refer to the Key Facts Statement, Conditions for livi PayLater, Additional Conditions for livi PayLater: Instant Cash and Fees & Charges on our website and under "Terms and Conditions" of livi app.

You may change your correspondence address on the livi app:


1. Tap "Profile Settings" on the top right-hand corner of your home Overview screen
2. Select "Personal Information" then enter your PIN code
3. Select "Address" and tap "Edit" under "Correspondence Address"
4. Type in your new address and tap "Continue"

To change your mobile number, you must have activated the Soft Token on the mobile phone that you have linked to your livi account:


1. Tap "Profile Settings" on the top right-hand corner of your home Overview screen
2. Tap "Personal Information" and then "Mobile Number" 
3. Tap "Change Mobile Number" and authenticate with your PIN Code
4. Enter your new mobile number and tap "Continue"
5. Enter the verification code we sent to your new mobile number

You can view your monthly e-statements on the livi app:


1. Tap "Transactions" on the Overview Screen
2. Tap "Statement"
3. Select the period to view statement 


If you wish to download the e-Statement, tap "Download" to save it onto your device.

Your e-statements are normally sent on the first calendar day of each month. You will also receive a notification when it’s ready.

To help reduce paper usage, we only provide e-statements. If you need paper statements, please contact liviCare at (852) 2929 2998.

You can access up to 7 years of e-statements.

In order to protect your account, livi uses a Soft Token to verify your identity when you make high-risk transactions. To use the Soft Token, you need to set up a 6-digit PIN Code. It is different from your login password and is designed to add an additional layer of security. It must set up before making a high-risk transaction.

1. Go to "Profile Settings" from the "Overview" screen
2. Tap "App Settings" then "Soft Token"
3. Tap "Change PIN Code" and follow the instructions

Your login password must:

- Be 8 to 16 characters in length
- Contain at least 3 of the following: numbers, uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and symbols (!@#$%^&)
- Not contain any three identical consecutive characters (e.g. 333, bbb)

There are two simple ways to do that:


Option 1

Tap "Forgot Password?" at "Login" page.


Option 2

1. Tap "Profile Settings" on "Overview" screen 
2. Tap "App Settings" then "Login Password"
3. Tap "Change Login Password" and follow the instructions

To ensure the safety of your account, you will be asked for the PIN Code when performing high-risk transactions. 


To set up Soft Token: 

1. Tap "Profile Settings" on the "Overview" screen
2. Tap "App Settings" then select "Soft Token"
3. Turn on "PIN Code" and follow the instructions

To enable biometric authentication for Login Password:

1. Tap "Profile Settings" on the "Overview" screen
2. Tap "App Settings" then select "Login Password"
3. Tap "Biometric Authentication" and follow the instructions


To enable biometric authentication for Soft Token:

1. Tap "Profile Settings" on the "Overview" screen
2. Tap "App Settings" then select "Soft Token"
3. Tap "Biometric Authentication" and follow the instructions

If you wish to terminate your liviSave, please go to "Bank Services" under "Profile Settings" in livi app and tap "Service Termination" then follow the instructions.

To improve our services, we regularly provide updates and maintenance to our banking system. Our regular system maintenance is scheduled at 04:00 to 08:00 HKT every Saturday. During this period, some services on our app will be temporarily unavailable.

You can apply for account if you are:

- At least 18 years old
- Holding a valid Mainland Resident Identity Card (which is valid for at least 6 months upon account opening)
- Holding a valid Exit-entry Permit to Hong Kong and Macau (the permit is valid for at least 6 months upon account opening)
- Holding a Mainland mobile phone number (which is able to receive SMS and phone calls in Hong Kong) and Mainland address
- Residing in Hong Kong upon account opening
- Holdings a valid Exit-Entry Record from the National Immigrational Administration (NIA) (if so required)
- Using a smartphone with front and back cameras running iOS 12 / Android 7.0 or higher

It's completely free!

You can enjoy following banking services:

•    Multi-currency deposits ( HKD / CNY / USD )
•    Local fund transfer
•    FPS bill payment
•    QR Payment
•    ATM QR cash withdrawal
•    View e-statements & transaction history

Yes, you must be physically located in Hong Kong upon account opening.

Please ensure your Mainland mobile number has enabled roaming service in Hong Kong area and your mobile phone has turned on roaming function. Please contact your network provider for detail.

iOS users:

Download livi app from Apple App Store

Android users:

Download livi app from Google Play

You may download the livi app Android Package (APK) file on the website if Google Play is not on your mobile device. Then install the app by following:

1. Open the APK file and install

2. If 'install unknown apps / unknown source' is prompted, select “allow”

3. Follow instructions to complete installation

4. Go to 'Settings' and disable 'install unknown apps / unknown source'




Please contact your network provider for detail of charging.

In most cases, your account will be ready instantly. If not, we will do our best to get back to you within two business days. We will be in touch via SMS, email or phone call if we need additional information from you.

This could happen for a few reasons, the most common being:

- You are under 18 years old
- You are not located in Hong Kong upon account opening
- You provided an invalid  Exit-Entry Record from the National Immigrational Administration (NIA)
- You already have liviSave
- We were unable to approve your application based on the personal information you provided. Please contact liviCare at (852) 2929 2998 or 4001200099 for assistance.

We take your data privacy seriously. We collect and use your personal data and the personal data of other individuals connected with you from time to time for providing accounts, services, products and activities and other purposes set out in our Personal Information Collection Statement (PICS). If you do not supply the personal data required by us, we may be unable to provide or continue to provide accounts, services, products or activities to you.

You can refer to the PICS on the livi website or livi app for more details of how we use the personal data and your right to access and/or correct your personal data.

Deposit Protection Scheme (DPS) protects depositors by paying compensation to them in the event of a bank failure. In Hong Kong, the DPS is established under the Deposit Protection Scheme Ordinance. In case a member bank of DPS (a Scheme member) fails, the Hong Kong Deposit Protection Board will pay compensation up to a maximum of HKD800,000 to each depositor for their eligible deposit of the failed Scheme member. Please refer to the DPS Information Leaflet for details.

With effect from 1 October 2024, the maximum deposit protection limit per depositor, including both principal and interest, will increase from HKD500,000 to HKD800,000.

The minimum deposit amount of time deposit is 500 HKD / 500 CNY / 100 USD.  


The maximum deposit amount of time deposit is 10,000,000 HKD / 10,000,000 CNY / 1,000,000 USD per customer.  


The tenor of time deposit changes with the prevailing market conditions. You can always check the tenor of time deposit in the livi app.

The interest rate of time deposit changes with the prevailing market conditions. You can always check the interest rate of time deposit in the livi app.


You can place time deposit at any time of the day on livi app.


You can select below maturity instruction option:

Option 1: Credit to Savings: Both principal and interest will be credited to your Savings Account upon maturity /
Option 2: Renew Principal and Interest: Both principal and interest will continue to renew with same tenor and at the respective interest rate on the date of maturity /
Option 3: Renew principal, credit interest to Savings: The principal will continue to rollover with same tenor and at the respective interest rate on the date of maturity, and interest will be credited to Savings Account


You can amend the maturity instruction before the maturity date of time deposit on livi app.


You can only early withdraw entire principal of time deposit.


No interest will be payable and a fee will be charged according to the below formula upon early withdrawal:

Time Deposit Principal x (6.75%- Time Deposit Interest Rate) x No. of Days due to Maturity/365 or HKD200, whichever is higher


Time Deposit Principal x (6.75%- Time Deposit Interest Rate) x No. of Days due to Maturity/360 or CNY200, whichever is higher 


Time Deposit Principal x (6.75%- Time Deposit Interest Rate) x No. of Days due to Maturity/360 or USD30, whichever is higher 


You can't adjust time deposit principal amount once the time deposit has been confirmed.


The daily interest is calculated based on your end-of-day balance and current interest rate. The annual interest amount is calculated on the following year basis:
•    HKD – 365 days (for both ordinary and leap year) 
•    USD or CNY -360 days 
You can check the interest earned for the previous day and year-to-date on livi app.


We support the following types of transfers:

- Instant HKD and CNY transfers via FPS
- Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) for local banks:
•    Transfer money from other local banks: HKD, USD and CNY
•    Transfer money to other local banks: USD
- Small-value Transfers
- Scheduled transfers
- Quick Save transfers from your other bank account

Tap "Transfer" on Overview to begin. We support transfers via recipient's mobile number, email address, account number, FPS ID and credit card number.

•    Via FPS: transfers will be processed and received by the recipient immediately. Actual receiving time would depend on the arrangement of the receiving bank.

•    Via Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS): Under normal circumstances, the transfers will be processed on the same business day (i.e. Mondays to Fridays; excluding Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays) if the transfer instruction is submitted before the cut-off time as the Bank may from time to time designate. In case the transfer instruction is submitted after the cut-off time or during Saturday, Sunday and Public Holiday, it will be processed on the following business day. Actual receiving time would depend on the arrangement of the receiving bank.

•    Scheduled transfers are processed between 9am-12pm. Transfers scheduled for the same day may not be cancelled after this time.

Yes,  the amount you can transfer are subject to the Daily Transfer Limit. The maximum Daily Transfer Limit is 500,000 HKD equivalent. This limit is shared by all currencies. If you would like to set your own limit, please follow steps below: 

1.    Tap "Profile Settings" on the Overview screen 
2.     Select "Bank Services" 
3.    Select "Transfer Limit" and follow the instructions 

Only HKD, USD and CNY are available at the moment.

•    Via FPS: FPS transfers within Hong Kong can be made at any time, even on weekends and public holidays. 

•    Via Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS): From Mondays to Fridays (Excluding public holidays), instructions submitted between 08:30 and 15:00 will be processed on same business day; and in case the transfer instruction is submitted after the cut-off time or during Saturday, Sunday and Public Holiday, it will be processed on the following business day.

1. Tap "Profile Settings" on the Overview screen
2. Select "Bank Services"
3. Select "Transfer" then tap "Register for FPS"
4. Follow the instructions to register for FPS using your mobile number, email address or HKID 


Please note that registering with HKID only enables you to receive funds from the eligible organisations (such as qualified institutions or the HKSAR Government).

All transfers are free of charge. But receiving banks may impose fees based on different circumstances. Please contact the receiving bank for details.

Small-value Transfer enables transferring smaller amounts without two-factor authentication. So as long as your transfers don’t reach your imposed limit (daily maximum of 10,000 HKD equivalent, the "Small-value Transfers" service currently supports transfers in HKD and CNY only and the limit is shared by transactions in HKD and CNY), you will not be asked for authentication.

Quick Save is a service for making fast transfers to your liviSave by linking it to another bank account of yours.

1. Tap "Profile Settings" on the Overview screen
2. Select "Bank Services"
3. Select "Transfer"
4. Select "Quick Save" and follow the instructions


To avoid overdraft fees by the sending bank, please ensure sufficient funds in your other bank account.

Our branch code is 756. The branch code is a unique code assigned by Hong Kong Interbank Clearing Limited (HKICL). Every institution must have at least one branch code in their clearing system, even if there is no physical branch.

1. Tap "Profile Settings" on Overview page
2. Select "Bank Services"
3. Select "Transfer" then "Register for FPS"
4. Tap "Change" beside mobile number or email address or "Remove" under HKID
5. Tap "Remove this account from FPS" at the bottom then follow the instructions

1. Tap "Profile Settings" on Overview page
2. Select "Bank Services"
3. Select "Transfer" then "Scheduled Transfer"
4. Choose the transfer you wish to cancel then tap "Change"
5. Tap "Cancel this transfer" at the bottom then follow the instructions

1. Tap "Profile Settings" on Overview page
2. Select "Bank Services"
3. Select "Transfer" then "Quick Save"
4. Choose the instruction you wish to remove then tap "Change"
5. Tap "Cancel Quick Save" at the bottom then follow the instructions

You can currently send money to credit cards of supported banks via FPS. These banks include:


  • Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited

  • The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited

  • China Construction Bank (Asia) Corporation Limited

  • Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited

  • The Bank of East Asia, Limited

  • DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Ltd.

  • China CITIC Bank International Limited

  • CMB Wing Lung Bank Limited

  • Hang Seng Bank Ltd.

  • Shanghai Commercial Bank Limited

  • OCBC Wing Hang Bank Limited

  • Dah Sing Bank, Limited

  • Chong Hing Bank Limited

  • Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Asia)

  • Fubon Bank (Hong Kong) Limited

  • Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited

  • Bank of Communications (Hong Kong) Ltd.


Some credit card issuers or certain card types at the supported banks might not support this service. In either case, please contact the credit card issuing bank for details.

Some banks allow their users to pay via FPS to their CNY credit card account with HKD. However, it depends on the policies of the credit card issuing bank. Please contact the credit card issuing bank for details.
The exact time for crediting funds to the recipient's credit card account may vary, subject to the process of the card issuing bank. Please contact the card issuing bank for details. We recommend you to arrange the payments in advance to avoid any potential fees and charges incurred by late repayments from the card issuing bank.

You can enable it by tapping "Pay" on the Overview screen.

After enabling QR Payment, simply tap "Pay" on your Overview screen then present the QR code to the merchant.

1.    Tap "Profile Settings" from Overview
2.    Select "Bank Services"
3.    Select "QR Payment" then tap “QR Settings"
4.    Select "Outside Hong Kong QR Payment" then tap the switch to enable it
5.    Set the valid period for using the cross-border QR payment

You can pay with QR Payment at any of the 50,000+ merchants who accept UnionPay QR in Hong Kong and 40+ countries and regions, including Mainland China, Macau, Japan, Korea and Thailand, etc.

All transactions of QR Payment are settled in Hong Kong dollars while the foreign exchange rate of the day is subject to the rate provided by UnionPay International. You don’t have to exchange foreign currencies beforehand and there is no currency exchange fee.
A 1% Foreign Currency Transaction Fee will be applied per foreign currency transaction. No additional fee will be charged for transactions in HKD.

- The QR Code is valid one-time only with a time limit
- Suspicious transactions will be stopped by our security system
- The QR Code should only be displayed at the merchant for payment. Please do not disclose it to others.

You can suspend this QR Payment in Bank Services. Go to "Payment", then select "Suspend QR Payment" and follow the instructions. You will not be able to pay with QR Payment after this.


If you want to cancel your QR Payment altogether, please contact liviCare at (852) 2929 2998 for assistance.

Please contact liviCare immediately at (852) 2929 2998 if you notice any suspicious or unauthorised transaction(s). To raise a chargeback request, please download and complete the "Transaction Dispute Form". Return the form along with supporting documents to us by post as stated in the form.

Once we receive your transaction dispute application, we will assist you by raising chargeback request against the merchant acquirers on your behalf. If the merchant acquirers or merchant accept a chargeback request and issue a refund for the transaction, we will return the money to you accordingly. 

Upon receiving all relevant documents, the processing time of the dispute generally takes approximately 60 to 90 days, depending on the complexity of the dispute. We may contact you to obtain additional documents or follow up, if required. 

If it is successful, the refunded amount will be credited into your livi account. We reserve the right to charge a handling fee of HKD 50 per transaction if the dispute is found invalid after the investigation. 

Chargeback is a protection mechanism that card associations provide to their customers. Generally speaking, where customers use cards to make lump-sum payments upfront, and have disputes over the transactions later on, customers can request card-issuing banks to assist in applying for refunds of the payments.  Examples of disputes include the merchant closes down, and goods purchased do not match the description. The request has to be submitted within 60 calendar days of the statement issue date. 

Customers need to provide information like transaction receipts and agreements; and the chargeback requests are subject to the rules of the respective card associations, including the chargeback time limits within which consumers must file the requests. 

livi Flexi Loan “Personal Loan” is a personal loan product with a loan amount of up to HKD1,000,000 and a repayment period of up to 60 months. You only need to apply once, and you can reborrow from your repaid principal without additional applications or approvals.

livi Flexi Loan has been renamed as livi Flexi Loan “Personal Loan”. Please be assured that all its interest rates, fees and charges, terms and conditions, and other benefits and promotions that you currently enjoy remain unchanged.
You need to be a Hong Kong resident with a liviSave account. You can apply as long as you have proof of income. If you are new to livi, a liviSave account will be created for you for loan disbursements and monthly repayments.
You have between 3 months and 60 months to repay. You can choose a repayment period of 3, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 48 or 60 months.
For loan approval purposes, we will check your credit report provided by a credit reference agency.
Funds will be instantly deposited into your liviSave account when your loan is confirmed and accepted.
You can "transfer" your funds into a designated beneficiary account via the livi app. As a reminder, the maximum daily transfer limit is equivalent to HKD500,000. If you need to withdraw more than HKD500,000, please arrange another transfer.

The monthly flat rate is used to calculate the total interest amount for your loan as follows:

Total interest amount = Loan amount x Monthly flat rate x Repayment period.

The Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is a reference rate which includes all applicable interest rates, fees, and charges pertaining to a loan product, expressed as an annualised rate. It is calculated using a method specified in relevant guidelines set out by The Hong Kong Association of Banks, and is rounded up or down to the nearest two decimal places. This rate will vary based on different factors such as loan amount and repayment period, you can view relevant information on the Flexi Loan "Personal Loan" Calculator, Accept Offer, and Instalment Details page.

The "Rule of 78" is a general method used by banks and financial institutions to allocate the total interest amount of the loan across the repayment period, based on the sum of the months as digits. Under this rule, interest payments will decrease with every instalment until the end of the repayment period. Using a 12-month repayment period as an example, interest payments will be allocated based on the sum of (12 + 11 + 10 +… +3 + 2 + 1 ) = 78. The first interest payment will be calculated as 12 / 78 of the total interest amount, followed by the second interest payment of 11 / 78 of the total interest amount and so on, until the 12th interest payment, which will be equal to 1 / 78 of the total interest amount.

You can view repayment amount and repayment date in Flexi Loan "Personal Loan" card. You only need to ensure enough funds are available in your liviSave account for every repayment.
We will automatically deduct all repayment amounts from your liviSave account on repayment day. Also, we will set your monthly repayment day based on your first drawdown date. For months without the same number of days, repayment day will fall on the last day of the month. If it falls on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday, we will still automatically deduct the amount from your liviSave account on the same day.

If you cannot settle your repayment amount in full on due date, late repayment fees and default interest will be charged. Default interest is accrued on a daily basis starting from the due date of the relevant payment, calculated based on the unpaid principal amount. If customer is overdue for 10 days while outstanding principal is HKD10,000, default interest is HKD98.63 and late repayment fee is HKD300.00.
If you are unable to repay your loan obligations for any reason, please contact liviCare at (852) 2929 2998 for further assistance.

You can early repay your outstanding loan amount in full and we will not charge any handling fee. However, you cannot choose to repay part of the loan. Early repayment means repaying the outstanding loan principal and any interest payable in full.


Yes, you can top-up a new loan by withdrawing from the instant top-up amount as long as your first instalment loan has been repaid for three months or early repaid in full. The repayment day of the new instalment loan will be the same as your original repayment day. If the difference between the day you applied for the new instalment loan and its repayment day is less than or equal to 20 days, the first repayment day of the new instalment loan will be postponed by one instalment (one month).
You may apply for a loan amount over your current available limit through the “Increase Limit & Drawdown” function of livi Flexi Loan “Personal Loan”. The credit limit can be raised to up to HKD1,000,000 after approval.
The “Drawdown” function allows you to reborrow instantly within your livi Flexi Loan “Personal Loan” credit limit without re-approval. The loan amount will be disbursed to your liviSave account instantly. Meanwhile, with the “Increase Limit & Drawdown” function, you can apply for a loan amount that is over your current available limit by providing your updated personal information. Depending on the actual circumstances of individual applications, we may also require you to provide proof of income and proof of address for approval. Once approved, your credit limit will be increased and the loan amount will be disbursed to your liviSave account.
Once your loan has been repaid in full, you can contact liviCare at (852) 2929 2998 to apply for the termination of your loan account.
livi Flexi Loan "Balance Transfer" is a personal loan product with a loan amount of up to HKD2,000,000 and a repayment period of up to 72 months. You only need to apply for it once, and you can consolidate all your credit cards' outstanding and loan balances from different banks and financial institutions and have a tailor-made fixed instalment repayment plan for you to save on interest expenses. In addition, you can apply for an additional revolving credit facility (that is livi Flexi Loan "Personal Loan") upon the same application for extra cash. The extra cash amount will be disbursed to your liviSave account.
You need to be a Hong Kong resident with a liviSave account. You can apply as long as you have a proof of income. If you are new to livi, a liviSave account will be created for you for loan disbursements and monthly repayments.
You can repay the balances of general credit card or personal loan accounts, but you can’t repay a livi PayLater or livi Flexi Loan "Personal Loan" through livi Flexi Loan "Balance Transfer".
You need to provide the relevant proof of credit card or loan repayment account (such as monthly statement), proof of income and proof of address (if applicable).
The loan amount of livi Flexi Loan "Balance Transfer" can be as high as HKD2,000,000.
You have between 3 months and 72 months to repay the loan. You can choose a repayment period of 3, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 48, 60 or 72 months.
For loan approval purposes, we will check your credit report provided by a credit reference agency.
You can transfer your funds into a designated payee account via the livi app. As a reminder, the maximum daily transfer limit is equivalent to HKD500,000. If you need to withdraw more than HKD500,000, please make multiple transfers separately.
The monthly flat rate is used to calculate the total interest amount for your loan:
Total interest amount = Loan amount x Monthly flat rate x Repayment period.
The Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is a reference rate which includes all applicable interest rates, fees, and charges pertaining to a loan product, expressed as an annualised rate. It is calculated using a method specified in relevant guidelines set out by The Hong Kong Association of Banks and is rounded up or down to the nearest two decimal places. This rate will vary based on different factors such as the loan amount and repayment period. You can view the relevant information on the Flexi Loan "Balance Transfer" Calculator, Accept Offer, and Instalment Details pages.
The "Rule of 78" is a general method used by banks and financial institutions to allocate the total interest amount of the loan across the repayment period, based on the sum of the months. Under this rule, interest payments will decrease with every instalment until the end of the repayment period. Using a 12-month repayment period as an example, interest payments will be allocated based on the sum of (12 + 11 + 10 +… +3 + 2 + 1 ) = 78. The first interest payment will be calculated as 12 / 78 of the total interest amount, followed by the second interest payment of 11 / 78 of the total interest amount and so on, until the 12th interest payment, which will be equal to 1 / 78 of the total interest amount.
If you cannot settle your repayment amount in full on the due date, late repayment fees and default interest will be charged. Default interest is accrued on a daily basis starting from the due date of the relevant payment, calculated based on the unpaid principal amount. If a repayment is overdue for 10 days with an outstanding principal of HKD10,000, the default interest is HKD98.63 and the late repayment fee is HKD300.00.
If you are unable to repay your loan obligations for any reason, please contact liviCare at (852) 2929 2998 for further assistance.
You can view repayment amount and repayment date in the Loan tab in livi app. You only need to ensure enough funds are available in your liviSave account for every repayment.
We will automatically deduct all repayment amounts from your liviSave account on each repayment day. Also, we will set your monthly repayment day based on your first drawdown date. For months without the same number of days, repayment day will fall on the last day of the month. If it falls on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday, we will still automatically deduct the amount from your liviSave account on the same day.
You can repay your outstanding loan amount in full early. However, you cannot choose to partially repay the loan. Early repayment means repaying the outstanding loan principal and any interest payable in full. We will also charge 2% of the repayment principal amount as the early settlement fee.
This means you will no longer be able to use the livi Debit Mastercard for transactions from 26 September 2024. If you have used your livi Debit Mastercard and to register any recurring payments, autopay, Electronic Direct Debit Authorization services, please arrange alternative payment methods with the respective merchants as soon as possible to avoid any unnecessary charges from the other parties.
You can still review the transaction details of completed transactions in the monthly statements in livi app.
We advise you to contact the relevant merchant(s) as soon as possible to arrange other payment methods.

If you notice any suspicious or unauthorised transaction(s), please contact us at (852) 2929 2998 immediately. To raise any chargeback request, please apply on or before 31 December 2024. You may also refer to the Transaction Dispute Form provided in our website for more details on chargeback mechanism. 

To raise a chargeback request in livi app, you can
1. Tap "Get Help" on the Transaction Details page
2. Tap "Raise a Dispute"
3. Follow the instructions on the screen to fill in the relevant information and provide the required documents

Please contact liviCare at (852) 2929 2998 or via Live Chat for further assistance.

Chargeback is a protection mechanism that card associations provide to their customers. Generally speaking, where customers use cards to make lump-sum payments upfront, and have disputes over the transactions later on, customers can request card-issuing banks to assist in applying for refunds of the payments. Examples of disputes include the merchant closing down, and goods purchased not matching the description. The request has to be submitted within 60 calendar days of the statement issue date.

Customers need to provide information like transaction receipts and agreements ; and the chargeback requests are subject to the rules of the respective card associations, including the chargeback time limits within which consumers must file the requests. 

Once we receive your transaction dispute application, we will assist you by raising chargeback request against the merchant acquirers on your behalf. If the merchant acquirers or merchant accept a chargeback request and issue a refund for the transaction, we will return the money to you accordingly. 

Upon receiving all relevant documents, the processing time of the dispute generally takes approximately 60 to 90 days, depending on the complexity of the dispute. We may contact you to obtain additional documents or follow up, if required. 

If it is successful, the refunded amount will be credited into your liviSave. We reserve the right to charge a handling fee of HKD 50 per transaction if the dispute is found invalid after the investigation. 

To facilitate communications between customers and merchants after transactions (such as returns or refunds), we will not automatically remove the livi Debit Mastercard from your digital wallet for the time being. 
If you want to remove the card from your wallet, you can log in to your digital wallet to do it manually. However, after removal, some information stored by the digital wallet itself may not be easily retrieved.
We have issued notification on 24 July 2024 that we would suspend the livi Debit Mastercard service with effect from September 26, 2024. Therefore, no livi Debit Mastercard transactions can continue to be conducted at your digital wallet.

You are required to open liviSave prior to insurance application, which only takes minutes, then you can make the policy application through livi app!

Even if the policy document is no longer visible in the app, as long as your policy is still in effect, you are still covered. For information about the policy period or other details, you can contact the customer service hotline of the insurance company or log in to the insurance company's website.

Livi can only provide application status up to June 19, 2024. For inquiries about the latest application status, policy status, claims results, electronic policy copies, etc., you can directly contact the customer service hotline of the insurance company.

For information about the policy number, policy period, or other details, you can access your electronic policies by contacting the customer service hotline of the insurance company or logging in to their website. When contacting the insurance company, you can provide the policy number or personal information used during the application process to help them quickly identify your past insurance records.


"TravelNow" Insurance Plan

Please log in to the BOC Group Insurance Platform at or contact the BOC Group Insurance Service Hotline at (852) 3187 5123 (Office hours: Monday to Friday 08:50 to 17:50, closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays).


3-Year Savings Insurance Plan

Please log in to the BOC Life Platform at or contact the BOC Life Service Hotline at (852) 2862 9816 (Office hours: Monday to Friday 09:00 to 17:50, Saturday 09:00 to 13:00, closed on Sundays and public holidays).


Easy HomeCare and PetCare

Please contact Bolttech Insurance Service Hotline at (852) 2603 9435 (Office hours: Monday to Friday 09:00 to 18:00, Saturday 09:00 to 13:00, closed on Sundays and public holidays).

Due to the latest adjustments in insurance products and services, policy document will no longer be stored under "My Policies" starting from June 19. If you would like to view the policy details, you can refer to our service update notification provided earlier for such arrangement.

With effect from 1st January 2018, premium levy will be collected from policy holders by insurance companies on behalf the Insurance Authority ("IA") according to Insurance (Levy) Regulation and Insurance (Levy) Order in order to support the operation of IA. policy holders shall pay the levy at applicable levy rate and levy cap along with their premium payment.

The deadline for submitting an application for  "3-Year Savings Insurance Plan" is 30 April, 2024. Please note that your premium should also be paid within 30 days after submitting the application.
You are eligible to apply this insurance product if you meet the requirements of: 1.) be between 18 and 64 years old, 2.)nationality is not the US and your "Residence jurisdiction" is not the US,3.)holder of valid Hong Kong Permanent Identity Card / Hong Kong Resident Identity Card / People's Republic of China Resident Identity Card, 4.) correspondence / residential address is not located in Japan, 5.) and physically locate in Hong Kong when applying for insurance online.
Once your policy is approved and issued successfully, you will be covered by the policy starting from the date when you submit the application. If you apply for the policy on 29th to 31st (both days inclusive) of a month, the policy date (i.e. the policy effective date) will be auto-changed to the 28th of that month.
No, you must be the policy holder and the insured upon application.
In general, “cooling-off period” refers to a 21-day period immediately after the policy or Welcome Letter is issued to the applicant, or the representative of the applicant (whichever is earlier). During the cooling-off period, the applicant should read the policy provisions in detail and make sure the insurance plan is suitable to his/her needs. He/she may also exercise his/her right to cancel the insurance policy and be refunded with all premiums paid. The amount of the refund may be adjusted in accordance with market rate as stipulated in specific policy provisions.
The premium payment amount cannot be increased after policy issuance. Please note the maximum premium for this plan and refer to the product leaflet or provisions for the details.
 You can log in the BOC Life eService platform ( to check policy information and submit applications for designated policy change via eService.

The maturity payment will be paid on the next working day after the policy matures. BOC Life will inform policy holders to give instructions for the method of releasing maturity payment around one month before the date of policy maturity. If no instruction is given, maturity payment will be transferred to the premium payment bank account of the customer. If the transfer is unsuccessful, payment will be made by cheque in policy currency.


In order to collect the maturity payment efficiently, securely and conveniently, you may give instruction at least two weeks before the date of policy maturity to BOC Life for depositing the maturity payment, e.g. to your sole name account under livi, which is more convenient than receiving cheques. Please note that a joint account cannot be used for receiving maturity payment.


To give instruction on receiving maturity payment, you can fill in and complete “Application For Payment”, which can be downloaded from the website of BOC Life (, and ensure that the form is delivered to following address at least two weeks before the date of policy maturity:


BOC Group Life Assurance Company Limited

13/F, 1111 King’s Road, Taikoo Shing, Hong Kong

To give instruction on changing contact information of policies, you can fill in and complete “Application for Key Personal Information Change”, which can be downloaded from the website of BOC Life (, and deliver to: 

BOC Group Life Assurance Company Limited
13/F, 1111 King’s Road, Taikoo Shing, Hong Kong 

Unless otherwise stated or limited by ploicy, the policy holder can write to BOC Life or fill out the “Application for Policy Change – General” form.
Login livi app >Tab "Insurance" >Tab "3-Year Insurance Saving Plan" banner and enter product page >you can access Product Brochure/Product Provision in product page.
After completing application procedure, a notification with the reference number assigned for such application will be shown on the interface. A confirmation of application by e-channel from livi will also be sent. After the application being approved successfully, a confirmation by sms and/or e-mail from BOC Life will also be sent. For enquiry on the application, you can call BOC Life’s customer service hotline (Tel: 2862 9816 ) during office hour for assistance.
Please refer to product brochure and policy terms and conditions for more information. Please call BOC Life’s customer service hotline (Tel: 2862 9816 ) during office hours if you require further assistance.

You may find the "Cancel within cooling-off period" button under individual policy detail page and complete the policy cancellation instruction submission. BOC Life will follow up and proceed for your instruction.




you may submit a cancellation within cooling-off period, please contact the insurer directly by:

BOC Group Life Assurance Company Limited

Customer service hotline: 2862 9816 (Monday to Friday 09:00 – 17:50, Saturday 09:00 – 13:00, closed on Sunday and public holidays)

Fax number: 2866 0785


1. In person

2. Mail the form to 13/F, 1111 King's Road, Taikoo Shing, Hong Kong


Download "Application For Payment":

You will receive an email and SMS notifications with the confirmed email address and mobile no. in this application. The policy will be inforce upon it is successfully approved . The policy contract will be delivered through e-policy by BOC Life as soon as 3 business days after the application approval. If you would like to receive the policy contact and other notice by means other than e-policy and e-notification, please call BOC Life insurance Customer Service Hotline at (852)2862 9816 during office hours.

You may submit a policy surrender, please contact the insurer directly by:

BOC Group Life Assurance Company Limited

Customer service hotline: 2862 9816 (Monday to Friday 09:00 – 17:50, Saturday 09:00 – 13:00, closed on Sunday and public holidays)

Fax number: 2866 0785


1. In person

2. Mail the form to 13/F, 1111 King's Road, Taikoo Shing, Hong Kong


Download "Application For Payment":

Policy Replacement occurs when you use or intend to use a portion or all of the policy value of your existing insurance policy to fund a new insurance policy, or that you intend to decrease premium contrition of your existing policy to fund the premium of the new insurance policy.


Life insurance differs from general insurance as life insurance involves a substantially longer coverage period. If the insured surrenders their life insurance policy in the first few years after the commencement of the policy, the surrender value received is usually less than the total premium paid.


When considering policy replacement, the insured should pay attention that the new insurance company may re-assess underwriting criteria such as the applicant's health condition, occupation, leisure activities, etc. Moreover, the provisions of the new policy may be different from those of the existing policy, which could affect results of future claims. The insured should compare the provisions of the existing policy with those of the new one thoroughly, and evaluate if policy replacement is in their best interest.

To submit a claim, please contact the insurer directly by:

BOC Group Life Assurance Company Limited

Customer service hotline: 2862 9816 (Monday to Friday 09:00 – 17:50, Saturday 09:00 – 13:00, closed on Sunday and public holidays)

Fax number: 2866 0785

Claim form:


1. In person

2. Mail the form to 13/F, 1111 King's Road, Taikoo Shing, Hong Kong


Download "Death Claim Form":




If your submission is complete, BOC Life will notify you of the compensation within three working days after receiving all documents. A Claim Notice will be issued if additional information or documents are required.

No. You must enrol in this plan before your departure from Hong Kong in order to enjoy the protection.

No. If you are detained at your destination due to bad weather or other circumstances beyond your control, this plan will be automatically extended for up to a maximum of 10 days of insurance period free of charge.

No. If the winding-up of the airline prevents you from returning to Hong Kong, this plan will be automatically extended for up to a maximum of 10 days of insurance period free of charge. Please contact BOCI Insurance for further arrangement if the delay is expected to last for a significant amount of time or extend beyond the 10-day extension period.

Yes, if the delay is due to the insured accident for at least 8 hours (e.g. unanticipated adverse weather conditions, natural disasters, strike, industrial action, act of terrorism, hijack or mechanical breakdown of the public conveyance or issuance of black outbound travel alert ), directly resulting in the insured person’s failure to board the cruise ship and hence cancellation of the cruise trips, you will be reimbursed the irrecoverable prepaid cruise fees. (only applicable to the insured person who has applied for the “cruise protection”)

You can download the "Endorsement Application Form" from the BOCG Insurance website to apply for the update and return via the designated methods stated in the form.

BOCG Insurance website:

To view your policy, please login/ register with your personal information at BOCG Insurance online service platform
You can contact the BOCG Insurance customer service hotline at
(852) 3187 5123 
(Office hours: Monday to Friday 08:50 to 17:50, closed on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays).
You should call our 24-Hour Emergency Assistance Services Hotline at (852) 2861 9235. Before you dial, please have your full name and policy number ready in order to receive assistance as soon as possible.

Please submit your completed “Travel Insurance Claim Form” together with the travel proof for departed from & returned to HK, and the following required documents to BOCG Insurance. BOCG Insurance may request for additional documents. Certain claim items are only applicable to specific travel insurance products.

Personal Accident / Compassionate Death Cash Benefit/Credit Card Protection
Medical report, accident report, local police report, death certificate, etc. If the beneficiary is/are minors (persons aged under 18), please give particulars of the official administrator(s) and provide copies of the documentation authorizing that person to act in this capacity

Medical and Other Expenses
Original hospital invoice(s) and medical expenses receipt(s) with diagnosis stated, treatment referral letter, medical report/laboratory report (if any)

Baggage and Personal Effects
Original local/HKSAR police report, purchase receipt(s), airline’s property irregularity report, photos of damaged property and repair quotation stating cause of damage or repairer’s written confirmation of irreparable property.
Suitcase damaged claim could be submitted through BOCG Insurance website. For details, please visit :

Baggage Delay
Original purchase invoices of essential items, airline’s property irregularity report or public conveyance’s confirmation stating the duration of delay

Personal Money
Original local police report and copies of police statement taken by the Claimant

Travel Document and Travel Ticket
Original local police report, travel document/travel ticket replacement receipts, original receipt for extra accommodation fee (if any)

Personal Liability
Local police report or statement to police (if any), demand correspondence of claim from third party

Rental Vehicle Excess
Copy of rental agreement with detailed terms and conditions, original payment receipt for the rental vehicle charges, original rental vehicle excess receipt

Loss of Home Contents
HKSAR police report, police statement taken by the insured person, list of the damaged property with the relevant purchase receipts

Travel Delay
Copy of boarding pass, air ticket or travel ticket, written confirmation from the airlines or public conveyances stating the reason and duration of delay
Travel delay cash allowance claim could be submitted through BOCG Insurance website. For details, please visit :

Cancellation of Trip / Curtailment of Trip
Copy of hospital invoice or death certificate, original doctor’s confirmation, travel tickets, receipts and agreements relevant to the claim and documentary proof of trip cancellation or curtailment with non-refundable amount, and documents certifying the relationship, e.g. marriage certificate, birth certificate agents, etc.

Cruise Cover (Optional Benefits)
2.Curtailment/Failure to Board
3.Shore Excursion Cancellation Allowance
4.Satellite Phone Expenses

Original doctor’s written confirmation, original local police report, travel tickets, receipts, and agreements relevant to the claim and documentary proof of cruise cancellation or shore excursion cancellation with non-refundable amount, confirmation from the airline or public conveyances stating the reason and duration of delay, report from cruise company stating the actual boarding date and time, copy of satellite telephone receipt issued by service provider

Personal Notebook Computer and Mobile Phone Cover (Optional Benefits)
Original local police report, purchase receipts, airline’s property irregularity report, photos of damaged property and repair quotation stating cause of damage or repairer’s written confirmation of irreparable property

Extra Cash Allowance Cover (Optional Benefits)
Documentary proof for the insured having the Compulsory Quarantine by order of the government authority

Yes, you can take out this plan for persons aged between 6 weeks and 17 years old travelling without their parents. However, the premium and premium levy will be the same as that for an adult. Besides, they should complete the entire journey with an adult.
The insured person shall not be covered under more than one “Universal Voyage Travel Insurance Plan” policy issued by BOCG Insurance for the same insured period. In the event that the Insured Person is covered under more than one such policy, BOCG Insurance will consider that person to be insured under the policy that provides the greatest amount of benefit. Where the benefit under each such policy is identical, BOCG Insurance will consider that person to be insured under the policy first issued. BOCG Insurance will refund any duplicated insurance premium payment that may have been made by or on behalf of that person and the duplicated policy shall be void in respect of such particular insured person.
Yes, this plan covers your child(ren) for the period of short-term study trip, but only applicable to the student who is aged 23 or below, unmarried and not working, and those aged 17 or younger must be accompanied by and with the custody care of an adult during the entire journey. (If the child(ren) is/are not travelling with parents, they can apply for Single Travel Plan)
Yes, you will be covered by "Rental Vehicle Excess Coverage" for a maximum indemnity limit if HKD5,000 per event under the rental agreement.
If an accident happened during your journey, please stay calm and notify the relevant authorities and organizations immediately, such as the Police, airline and travel agency. You must also keep the original of all the documents, including the Police report, medical certificate, purchase receipt for necessities and the like. After returning to Hong Kong, you should submit a completed claim form together with all supporting documents and reports to the Claims Division of BOCG Insurance within 30 days from the expiration of your journey.
For insured person not returning to Hong Kong, the coverage terminates no later than 7 days from scheduled time of arrival at the country of final destination or expiry of the original declared period of insurance, whichever is the earlier.
In respect of an eligible dispute (as defined in the Terms of Reference for the Financial Dispute Resolution Centre in relation to the Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme) arising between livi and the customer out of the selling process or processing of the related transaction, livi is required to enter into a Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme process with the customer; however any dispute over the contractual terms of this plan should be resolved between directly BOCG Insurance and the customer.
After paying for premium, you will receive a confirmation email by BOCG Insurance immediately. The policy and policy wording will be emailed by BOCG Insurance. If you need the policy and notice in non-electronic ways, please contact BOCG Insurance's customer service hotline at (852) 3187 5123. (Business hours: Monday to Friday 08:50-17:50; closed on Saturday, Sunday and public holidays).
If you have applied the "Enhanced Benefit", you can have the protection on loss of mobile phone due to theft, robbery or accidental damage. Any loss due to theft or robbery must be reported to the police within 24 hours of discovery and a report must be obtained.
You will be covered under the personal accident protection if you have applied the "Enhanced Benefit".
Your departure date must be within 180 days of the application date.
A “Family” refers to a legally married couple with all the legally dependent unmarried child(ren) who is (are) 6 weeks to 17 years old.
Once the "Single Travel Plan" insurance policy has been issued, it is non-cancellable, and no premium and premium levy refund is allowed. For the "Annual Travel Plan", the premium and premium levy refund is subjected to the premium and premium levy refund provisions as stated in the policy.
The period of insurance for “Annual Travel Plan” is one year and the maximum cover period for each trip is up to 90 days and with no limit on the number of trips during the covered year. As regard to “Single Travel Plan”, the maximum period of insurance is 180 days.
"Universal Voyage Travel Insurance Plan" is a general insurance product that provides single trip or annual travel plan. 3 plan options are offered, namely "Diamond", "Gold" and "Sliver" (plan "Sliver" applicable to single trip plan only). Applicants can purchase additional coverage - (i) Enhanced Benefit and (ii) Cruise Benefit. For details, please refer to the "Detailed Coverage". For more information, you can contact BOCG Insurance's customer service hotline at (852) 3187 5123. (Business hours: Monday to Friday 08:50-17:50; closed on Saturday, Sunday and public holidays).

"Universal Voyage Travel Insurance Plan" is underwritten by BOCG Insurance and livi is the appointed insurance agency of BOCG Insurance for distribution of this insurance plan (insurance agency licence no. GA1033). BOCG Insurance is authorised by the Insurance Authority to carry on general insurance business in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China. The insurance product is a product of BOCG Insurance, not livi's.

The proposed insured must be aged 18 or above, insured persons must be aged between 6 weeks and 80 years. Applications for persons aged under 18 must be signed by their parents or guardians.

Applicants must submit the claim within 30 days after the expiry of the journey, details as follows:

BOCG Insurance
Customer Service Hotline: (852) 3187 5123
(Business hours: Monday to Friday 08:50-17:50; closed on Saturday, Sunday and public holidays).
Address: 9/F, Wing On House, 71 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong

Submission: Print out and fill in the “Travel Insurance Claim Form” and return to BOCG Insurance with required documents. BOCG Insurance may request additional relevant claims document. Please also refer to the “Tips on making claims” in the policy terms. 

Claim form download:

If the submitted information is sufficient, BOCG Insurance will notify you of the claims decision after receiving all documents. If more documents are required, the claims department will contact customers via email/letter/phone. 

Please refer to BOCG Insurance website's latest news for relevant coverage and claims processing

Claim payment is based on per insured person and per shore excursion, payment for all shore excursions will not exceed the maximum benefit selected (only applicable for insured persons who have applied "cruise protection benefit")

Cruise Protection is designed exclusively for cruise journeys which provides coverage that are not listed in the Basic Benefits, including: (1) Extended cover for disappearance of the insured person due to sinkage of cruise ship, fire, natural disaster or kidnap by pirates during voyage, and the body of the insured person has not been found within one year. (2) Cruise Cancellation and Interruption Cover (including irrecoverable prepaid cruise cost and additional expenses incurred for rejoining the cruise at the next scheduled port of call); (3) Post-Departure of Cruise Cover (including Curtailment of Cruise Trip and Failure to Board The Cruise Ship); 4) Shore Excursion Cancellation Allowance and (5) Satellite Phone Expenses, etc. (Please refer to the policy for details)

For enquiries about products, claims and after-sales services, please contact BOCG Insurance Service Hotline at (852) 3187 5123 (Office hours: Monday to Friday 08:50 to 17:50, closed on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays).
- During the journey, if you encounter an emergency, you can call the 24-hour Emergency Assistance Services hotline (852) 2861 9235 for immediate assistance. Please prepare your name and policy number before calling, so that you can get the corresponding assistance as soon as possible.
- For enquiries about the technical support for online insurance application, please contact 24 x 7 liviCare hotline at (852) 2929 2998 or Live Chat on the livi app.

"24-hour Emergency Assistance Service" is an additional service specially designed for critical situations. The insured person can obtain 24-hour free telephone consultation services, including travel information, medical and legal consultation, etc., just by calling the emergency assistance hotline. (Note: Since 1 March 2013, local telecommunications service providers no longer provide international call service (i.e. paid by callee).)

"24-hour Emergency Assistance Service" can provide a hospital deposit guarantee of up to HKD50,000 if the insured person cannot pay the hospital deposit immediately. However, the relevant service provider has the right to obtain a valid credit guarantee before paying the hospital deposit for the insured person.

Customers should avoid using mobile phones to call the assistance hotline to avoid incurring large roaming charges. To reduce the cost of long-distance calls, customers can use local fixed line telephones to call the support hotline and leave their contact information, and the relevant service provider will make a call back to the customer.

livi customers can enjoy premium discounts or other discounts when they apply for the "Universal Voyage Travel Insurance Plan" through the livi app, and customers will automatically receive the discounts that are applicable at the time of insurance application (except when it is specified that customers need to enter the discount code). For details, please log in to the livi app to check the latest offers.

In general, the insurance company's system will directly send a confirmation email with e-policy to the policyholder's registered email inbox, within 30 minutes after successfully purchasing the insurance plan. If you haven't received the email, please check your spam or junk mailbox. If you still can't find the confirmation email, please contact BOCG Insurance Service Hotline at (852) 3187 5123 (Office hours: Monday to Friday 08:50 to 17:50, closed on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays).

Starting from 19 June 2024, your “Travel Now” Insurance Plan policy copy will not be stored in livi app. Please download a copy of which for your record before 19 June or contact the Customer Service Hotline of BOCG Insurance for the details of your policy. Nevertheless, this change will not affect the status and benefit of your policy. If you have any questions about this arrangement, please contact our Customer Service Hotline at (852) 2929 2998.

The deadline for submitting an application for “Travel Now” Insurance Plan is 31 May, 2024. Please note that your premium should also be paid by the same date.

"Travel Now" Insurance Plan is underwritten by BOCG Insurance and livi is the appointed insurance agency of BOCG Insurance for distribution of this insurance plan (insurance agency licence no. GA1033). BOCG Insurance is authorised by the Insurance Authority to carry on general insurance business in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China. The insurance product is a product of BOCG Insurance, not livi's.

"Travel Now" Insurance Plan is a general insurance product that provides single trip travel plan. It is divided into 2 plans, namely "Travel Now" Plus and "Travel Now" Lite. Applicants can purchase additional coverage - (i) Enhanced Benefit and (ii) Cruise Benefit. 

"Travel Now" Insurance Plan offers single trip travel insurance plan, with a maximum coverage of 180 days.

Depature date must be within 180 days of insured date.
Applicants must be aged 18 or above; insured persons must be aged between 6 weeks and 80 years old. Persons aged under 18 must be insured for by their parents or legal guardians.
No, your application must be successful before departing to enjoy the coverage in this plan.
Yes. Persons aged between 6 weeks and 17 years who are not travelling with parents can apply individually, provided that full adult premium and premium levy is paid and the entire journey is accompanied by and with the custody care of an adult. The maximum benefit payable for Medical and Relevant Expense will be the same as adults aged 18 to 70.
Yes. This plan offers a complimentary "Student Short-term Study Cover" for students aged 23 years old or below who are unmarried and not working. Persons aged 17 years old or below must be accompanied by and with the custody care of an adult (such as a teacher) during the entire journey of short- term overseas study in order to be eligible for the coverage. (if the child who are not travelling with parents, they can apply individually provided that full adult’s premium is paid)
Please refer to BOCG Insurance website's latest news for relevant coverage and claims processing
This plan offers discounted rates for policyholders travelling with family members. The discounted price under “Family” plan includes married couples and all accompanying dependent unmarried child(ren) who is (are) 6 weeks to 17 years old. For details, please refer to the premium table.
The "Enhanced Benefit" covers theft, robbery or accidental damage of mobile phones. Any losses incurred by theft or robbery must be reported to the police within 24 hours of discovery and have a related report on the case.
The "Enhanced Benefit" covers personal accidents caused by acts of terrorism.
No. If you are stranded overseas due to delays caused by poor weather or uncontrollable circumstances, the plan will automatically extend for a maximum of 10 days free of charge. The extension will be terminated at the expiry of the maximum automatic extension period or on the date when such unavoidable cause of delay to the Insured Person ceases to exist, whichever is earlier.
Yes. The plan offers a "Rental Vehicle Excess" coverage to cover the amount of money for which the renter is held responsible under the terms of the car rental agreement. The maximum compensation amount is HKD2,500 per incident.
You can call the 24-hour emergency support hotline (852) 2861 9235 for immediate assistance. Please have your name and policy number ready to get assistance quickly.
The Cruise Benefit is applicable for cruise trips and covers scopes outside of the basic coverage, including: (1) personal accident coverage for when cruise ship is sunk, encounters fire outbreak, accidental overboarding caused by natural disasters or missing for over 1 year due to kidnapping by pirates (during voyage, and the body of the insured person has not been found within one year); (2) coverage for cruise trip cancellation and obstruction (including non-refundable cruise fees and transport fee to connect to the next port); (3) post-departure cruise coverage (including curtailment and boarding delays); (4) shore excursion cancellation allowance and (5) satellite phone expenses. Details please refer to the Policy.
Yes. If due to insured incidents (such as unforeseeable poor weather, natural disasters, strikes, industrial actions, acts of terrorism, hijack of or malfunctining of transportation tools, black travel alert etc), there is a delay of at least 8 hours in the planned public transport to the departing port and directly causing you to miss boarding of the cruise ship that leads to the cancellation of the cruise trip you can claim the non-refundable cruise trip fees that you have already paid. (only applicable to insured persons covered by Cruise Benefit)
Compensation will be calculated based on each insured person and each cancelled shore excursion location. The combined compensation shall not exceed the maximum compensation amount listed in the plan. (only applicable to insured persons covered by Cruise Benefit)
This plan will not make compensations to any events that have yet to happen. If before or during your trip, your airline closes down or goes into winding up, the insurance company can make compensation to the insured under the coverage of the "Extra  Cash Allowance".    (only applicable to insured persons covered by Enhanced Benefit)
No, the Policy cover provided will be automatically extended for a maximum period of 10 days in the event that the Insured Person is unavoidably delayed during the Journey in the course of his scheduled itinerary as stipulated prior to departure incapacitating him from returning to Hong Kong within the Period of Insurance due to an unexpected condition or incident that entirely beyond the Insured Person’s control. The extension will be terminated at the expiry of the maximum automatic extension period or on the date when such unavoidable cause of delay to the Insured Person ceases to exist, whichever is earlier. 
The Policyholder or an Insured Person shall not be insured for the same Journey under more than one policy with travel insurance features issued by BOCG Insurance (the Company). In the event that the Policyholder or an Insured Person is covered under more than one such Policy under the Company, the Company will consider that person to be insured under the Policy that provides the greatest amount of benefit. Where the benefit under each such Policy is identical, the Company will consider that person to be insured under the Policy first issued. The Company will refund any duplicated insurance premium payment that may have been made by or on behalf of that person and the duplicated policy shall be void in respect of such particular Insured Person.
If an accident happened during your journey, please stay calm and notify the relevant authorities and organizations immediately, such as the Police, airline and travel agency wihtin 24 hours. You must also keep the original of all the documents, including the Police report, medical certificate, purchase receipt for necessities and the like. After returning to Hong Kong, you should submit a completed claim form together with all supporting documents and reports to the Claims Division of BOCG Insurance not later than 30 days after the expiry of the journey.

Applicants must submit the claim within 30 days after the expiry of the journey, details as follows:

BOCG Insurance
Customer Service Hotline: (852) 3187 5123
(Business hours: Monday to Friday 08:50-17:50; closed on Saturday, Sunday and public holidays).
Address: 9/F, Wing On House, 71 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong

Submission: Print out and fill in the “Travel Insurance Claim Form” and return to BOCG Insurance with required documents. BOCG Insurance may request additional relevant claims document. Please also refer to the “Tips on making claims” in the policy terms. 

Claim form download:

If the submitted information is sufficient, BOCG Insurance will notify you of the claims decision after receiving all documents. If more documents are required, the claims department will contact customers via email/letter/phone. 

You need to return a filled "Travel Insurance Claim Form", proofs of departure and return and the required documents listed below to BOCG Insurance. BOCG Insurance may request additional relevant claims document.


Personal Accident / Compassionate Death Cash Benefit/Credit Card Protection
Medical report, accident report, local police report, death certificate, etc. If the beneficiary is/are minors (persons aged under 18), please give particulars of the official administrator(s) and provide copies of the documentation authorizing that person to act in this capacity.


Medical and Other Expenses
Original hospital invoice(s) and medical expenses receipt(s) with diagnosis stated, treatment referral letter, medical report/laboratory report (if any)


Baggage and Personal Effects
Original local/HKSAR police report, purchase receipt(s), airline’s property irregularity report, photos of damaged property and repair quotation stating cause of damage or repairer’s written confirmation of irreparable property.


Baggage Delay
Original purchase invoices of essential items, airline’s property irregularity report or public conveyance’s confirmation stating the duration of delay


Personal Money
Original local police report and copies of police statement taken by the Claimant


Travel Document and Travel Ticket
Original local police report, travel document/travel ticket replacement receipts, original receipt for extra accommodation fee (if any)


Personal Liability
Local police report or statement to police (if any), demand correspondence of claim from third party


Rental Vehicle Excess
Copy of rental agreement with detailed terms and conditions, original payment receipt for the rental vehicle charges, original rental vehicle excess receipt


Travel Delay
Copy each of boarding pass, air ticket or travel ticket, written confirmation from the airlines or public conveyances stating the reason and duration of delay.


Cancellation of Trip / Curtailment of Trip
Copy of hospital invoice or death certificate; original doctor’s confirmation, travel tickets, receipts and agreements relevant to the claim and documentary proof of trip cancellation or curtailment with non-refundable amount, and documents certifying the relationship, e.g. marriage certificate, birth certificate agents, etc.


Cruise Benefit (Optional Benefit)
1. Cancellation/Interruption
2. Curtailment/Failure to Board
3. Shore Excursion Cancellation Allowance
4. Satellite Phone Expenses

This plan and policy cannot be cancelled once issued. Premium and premium levy will not be returned.

After paying for premium, you will receive a confirmation email by BOCG Insurance immediately, together with a confirmation message in the livi bank app. The policy and policy wording will be emailed by BOCG Insurance. You can also review your e-policy in livi bank app. If you need the policy and notice in non-electronic ways, please contact BOCG Insurance's customer service hotline at (852) 3187 5123. (Business hours: Monday to Friday 08:50-17:50; closed on Saturday, Sunday and public holidays).

You can download the "Endorsement Application Form" from the BOCG Insurance website to apply for the update and return via the designated methods stated in the form.

BOCG Insurance website:

For insured persons not intending to return, this policy will laspe 7 days after the insured person's arrival of the final destination, or upon the original policy end date, whichever is earlier.

We will debit the premium amount from your liviSave.

In respect of an eligible dispute (as defined in the Terms of Reference for the Financial Dispute Resolution Centre in relation to the Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme) arising between livi and the customer out of the selling process or processing of the related transaction, livi is required to enter into a Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme process with the customer; however any dispute over the contractual terms of the insurance product should be resolved between directly BOCG Insurance and the customer.

- For enquiries about products, claims and after-sale services, please contact BOC Group Insurance Service Hotline at (852) 3187 5123 (Office hours: Monday to Friday 08:50 to 17:50, closed on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays).
- During the journey, if you encounter an emergency, you can call the 24-hour emergency support hotline (852) 2861 9235 for immediate assistance. Please prepare the policyholder's name and policy number before calling, so that you can get the corresponding assistance as soon as possible.
- For enquiries about the technical support for online insurance application, please contact 24 x 7 liviCare hotline at (852) 2929 2998 or Live Chat on the livi app.

You can call the 24-hour emergency support hotline at (852) 2861 9235 for assistance. Please prepare information such as name, ID number, policy or reference number before calling, so as to provide corresponding assistance to the insured as soon as possible.

24-hour Global Emergency Support Service is an additional service specially designed for critical situations. The insured can obtain 24-hour free telephone consultation services, including travel information, medical and legal consultation, etc., just by calling the emergency support hotline. [Note: From 1 March 2013, local telecommunications service providers will no longer provide international call service (i.e. paid by callee)] 

The International Rescue Company can provide a hospital deposit guarantee of up to HKD50,000 if the insured cannot pay the hospital deposit immediately. However, the International Rescue Company has the right to obtain a valid credit guarantee before paying the hospital deposit for the insured.

Customers should avoid using mobile phones to call the support hotline to avoid incurring large roaming charges. To reduce the cost of long-distance calls, customers can use local fixed line telephones to call the support hotline and leave their contact information, and the support service company will call back to the customer.

livi customers can enjoy premium discounts or other discounts when they apply for the "Travel Now" protection plan through the livi app, and customers will automatically receive the discounts that are applicable at the time of insurance application (except when it is specified that customers need to enter the discount code). For details, please log in to the livi app to check the latest offers.

Easy HomeCare is underwritten by Bolttech Insurance (Hong Kong) Company Limited ("bolttech Insurance") and is intended to be offered in Hong Kong only. bolttech Insurance is an authorised insurer under Insurance Authority for operating general insurance business. Livi Bank Limited ("livi") is the appointed insurance agency of bolttech Insurance for distribution of this insurance plan (insurance agency licence no. GA1033). The insurance product is a product of bolttech Insurance, not Livi Bank Limited.

Please refer to product brochure and policy terms and conditions for more information. Please call bolttech Insurance customer service hotline: (852) 2603 9435 during office hours if you require further assistance.

(Office hours: Monday to Friday 09:00 to 18:00, Saturdays 09:00 to 13:00, closed on Sundays and public holidays).

Easy HomeCare covers fire, flood, theft, or water damage caused by burst water pipes and/or typhoons, any other accidents and household contents. It also protects against personal liability claims of up to HKD5,000,000 and covers up to HKD500,000 household items, including personal valuables up to HKD100,000. Policy coverage is subject to the selected benefits under the policy, please refer to the respective policy for details.
 Easy HomeCare insures properties with net floor area of 1,000 sq. feet or below, with a fixed premium of HKD420 (plus levy).  Policy coverage is subject to the selected benefits under the policy, please refer to the respective policy for details.
Easy HomeCare coverages lasts for 1 year. For more details, please refer to product brochure and policy provision.
Log into livi app > Tap "Insurance" > Tap Easy HomeCare banner and enter the product page. From there you can access Product Brochure/Product Provision. 
Below is the eligibility of this plan:
- Insured property age must be 35 years or below
- The building of the insured property is at least 5-storeys tall
- Net floor area of insured property must be 1,000 sq. feet or below
- Insured property is located within Hong Kong
-Insured property is constructed from bricks, stone or concrete with concrete roof

The above criteria must be declared by applicants along the application. If during review of claim request, bolttech Insurance discovers that the insured property is not eligible according to criteria, the claim request will be declinced. For more details, please refer to product brochure and policy provision.
If you are aged 18 or above, you are eligible to apply for this insurance product through livi app. For more details, please refer to product brochure and policy provision.
The Policy can be effected within 60 days from the application submission. The property must be already furnished for normal living purpose when the policy starts to be effective. For more details, please refer to product brochure and policy provision.
Policy applicants must be either the owner of the insured property or living in the insured property. Policy coverage is subject to the selected benefits under the policy, please refer to the respective policy for details.
Premiums will be debited from your livi Debit Mastercard. Authorised payment method will be used for settling premium payment of the recurring years and renew the policy automatically.
Once the premium is paid successfully, the application will usually be approved instantly. 
To update policy or personal information, please contact bolttech Insurance customer service hotline at (852) 2603 9435.
Once the policy is issued, policy holders can request for updates on the insured information and personal information, or request cancellation and refund part of the paid premium and levy. Terms and conditions apply. Please refer to the Policy Provision for details. If you require further assistance, please call bolttech Insurance customer service hotline: (852) 3123 3344 during office hours (Office hours: Monday to Friday 09:00 to 18:00, Saturdays 09:00 to 13:00, closed on Sundays and public holidays).
Bolttech insurance will send an email notification to policyholders approximately one month before the policy expiration date to inform them about the renewal arrangements. Policyholders will need to follow the instructions in the email to complete the payment of the renewal premium. For renewal premium payment, you can use a different card to make the payment. Please ensure that your payment card is still valid, as failure to make the payment may result in the policy not being renewed.
Premium for auto-renewal will be charged by the authorised payment method as the original premium (included levy). bolttech Insurance reserves the right to review premium of the product and adjust the premium upon policy renewal.
Once your claim is approved, bolttech Insurance will send you a cheque. For some claims, you can select your preferred payment method. If this is the case, bolttech Insurance will highlight this on the claims form.
Please submit your claim to bolttech Insurance within 30 days of the event you’re claiming for.

Please do not dispose of any damaged item(s) before we’ve had a chance to look at your claim and advise you what to do. bolttech Insurance may need it as part of the claim process.

It’s important that you do not enter into any third-party correspondence or admit any third-party liability without first discussing with bolttech Insurance.

Try to record the particulars of any injured party and the nature of any loss or injury. If you have suffered injury or loss, please report the case to the police immediately, and obtain a reference number.

Policy coverage is subject to the selected benefits under the policy, please refer to the respective policy for details.

Documents required when making a claim:
- Coloured photos showing the extent of the damage, ideally taken at the scene of the accident
- Any correspondence or demand letter from third parties (including any legal notices)
- Any witness statement containing contact information 
Before the claim is settled, please keep all items intact.

Please keep all original copies of any documents for three months (even after claim settlement). bolttech Insurance may review these documents to verify a claim or as part of bolttech Insurance's auditing and checking process.
To make a claim, please complete the "HomeCare Insurance Claim Form (for HomeCare plan)" or "Public Liability Claim Form (for any other plans)", which can be downloaded from the website of bolttech Insurance (, and email to:
Pet Care is underwritten by Bolttech Insurance (Hong Kong) Company Limited ("bolttech Insurance") and is intended to be offered in Hong Kong only. bolttech Insurance is an authorised insurer under Insurance Authority for operating general insurance business. Livi Bank Limited ("livi") is the appointed insurance agency of bolttech Insurance for distribution of this insurance plan (insurance agency licence no. GA1033). The insurance product is a product of bolttech Insurance, not Livi Bank Limited.

Please refer to product brochure and policy terms and conditions for more information. Please call bolttech Insurance customer service hotline: (852) 2603 9435 during office hours if you require further assistance.

(Office hours: Monday to Friday 09:00 to 18:00, Saturdays 09:00 to 13:00, closed on Sundays and public holidays).

Pet Care covers veterinary consultation fees, prescribed medication, room and board, clinical and surgical expenses, etc. It also provides protection against third party liability up to HKD1,000,000. The policy coverage is subject to the selected benefits under the policy plan level, please refer to the respective policy for details.
Yes. For Medical Coverage, a co-insurance amount equivalent to 20% of each claim shall be borne by the Policyholder.
For Third Party Liability, a deductible amount HK$3,000 for each loss shall be borne by the Policyholder.
For Emergency Boarding Expenses, a co-insurance amount equivalent to 50% of each claim shall be borne by the Policyholder.
For full details of the co-insurance of this plan, please refer to the brochure and Policy Provisions.
Log into livi app and go to the Insurance tab. Tap the Pet Care banner to enter the product page. You can access Product Brochure and Policy Provision here.
duct for your own pet through livi app. For more details, please refer to Product Brochure and Policy Pro
No. This plan only covers cats and dogs.
Cats and dogs between 6 weeks and 8 years old (as of last birthday) are generally eligible to apply for the plan. However, some dog breeds are not eligible, such as Dogo Argentino, Fila Braziliero, Japanese Tosa and Pit Bull Terrier. You can find out more after you select "Get Quote Now" during application.
Under Hong Kong law, any dog or imported cat must be microchipped. Therefore, when applying for this insurance plan, you will need to provide your AVID 9-digit microchip or ISO-compliant microchip number.
If your cat is not an imported breed and therefore does not have a microchipping implant, you are recommend to have it implanted. While it won't affect eligibility for this insurance plan, it will allow you to find your cat as quickly as possible if it goes missing, so you can get him home safely.

No. Pre-existing Condition is not covered under this plan. And Pre-existing conditions means any Illness, physical condition (e.g. any physical defects or infirmities), degenerative process, which existed prior to the Policy Effective Date in regard to the Insured Pet, which presented to signs or symptoms whether or not the Policyholder is aware. For the full list of exclusions, please refer to the policy provisions.

To ensure your pet can get the most comprehensive protection, you are encouraged to insure your pet as early as possible.

Insured pet under the policy must be owned by the policy holder.

Yes, this product offer volume discount if you’re applying for multiple pets at the same time under the same insurance plan (applicable to plan 2 & plan 3 only).

2 pets – 5%
3 pets – 7.5%
4 pets – 10%
5 pets or more – 15%

Premiums will be debited from your livi Mastercard. Authorised payment method will be used for settling premium payment of the recurring years and renew the policy automatically.
Once the premium is paid successfully, the application will usually be approved instantly. 
You can download the pet insurance claim form from the bolttech Insurance website and file a claim for your pet insurance by submitting your claim within 30 days after the event. For more details, visit
Please submit your claim to bolttech Insurance within 30 days after the event you’re claiming for.

To make sure all pets obtain fair protection, there is a waiting period to prevent pet owners from buying policies after their pets get sick or injured and making claims for existing conditions.

There is a 30-day waiting period from the policy effective date before you can start making claims for medical expenses resulting from illness.

Once your claim is approved, bolttech Insurance will send you a cheque. For some claims, you can select your preferred payment method. If this is the case, bolttech Insurance will highlight this on the claims form.
Once the policy is issued, policy holders can request for updates on the insured information and personal information, or request cancellation and refund part of the paid premium and levy. Terms and conditions apply. Please refer to the Policy Provision for details. If you require further assistance, please call bolttech Insurance customer service hotline: (852) 2603 9435 during office hours (Office hours: Monday to Friday 09:00 to 18:00, Saturdays 09:00 to 13:00, closed on Sundays and public holidays).
To update policy or personal information, please contact bolttech Insurance customer service hotline at (852) 2603 9435.
Bolttech insurance will send an email notification to policyholders approximately one month before the policy expiration date to inform them about the renewal arrangements. Policyholders will need to follow the instructions in the email to complete the payment of the renewal premium. For renewal premium payment, you can use a different card to make the payment. Please ensure that your payment card is still valid, as failure to make the payment may result in the policy not being renewed.

It's possible that the premium may be adjusted when it's time to renew your policy. bolttech Insurance will notify you the premium adjustment in advance.
Factors bolttech Insurance consider for pricing adjustments include:

  • Your pet’s age at renewal;
  • No claim discount if you didn’t make any claim in previous policy year;
  • Volume discount for insuring more than 1 pet under same insurance plan.

QR Cash enables you to withdraw cash from the designated ATMs without a physical ATM card. Each withdrawal will be directly debited from your liviSave account. Currently, all BOCHK and other designated ATMs support this service. Cash withdrawal records can be viewed in "Transactions" in app and in the e-statement.

Tap the "QR Cash" on the Overview screen and simply follow the instructions shown in app.

1.    Tap "QR Cash" on the Overview screen and set up a cash withdrawal instruction
2.    Tap "Withdraw Now" and authenticate with your PIN; "Withdraw Later" lets you save the instruction for 60 minutes. Tap "QR Cash" again to retrieve this instruction
3.    Select "UnionPay QRC Withdrawal" on the ATM then scan the QR code using QR cash in livi app
4.    Enter the in-app one-time withdrawal code on the ATM, then follow the instructions on the ATM to complete the cash withdrawal

Additional tips:
-    The validity period for the QR code on the ATM screen may vary. Please tap "Withdraw Now" before selecting "UnionPay QRC Withdrawal" on the ATM
-    Avoid glares and reflections when scanning the QR code

You can withdraw with QR Cash at all BOCHK and other supported ATMs in Hong Kong (choose "UnionPay QRC Withdrawal" at ATM). 

The maximum withdrawal limit is 10,000 HKD per day. If you would like to set your own limit, please follow steps below.
1. Go to "Profile Settings" then tap "Bank Services"
2. Tap "QR Cash Limit", then set your preferred limit on this screen

You can currently withdraw in HKD with QR Cash.

You can delete your instruction using "Delete Instruction" under the Withdrawal Instruction screen.

A handling fee of HKD 15 will be charged per cash withdrawal. 

- Please tap "Withdraw Now"  before selecting "UnionPay QRC Withdrawal" on the ATM
- Don’t share the one-time withdrawal code with others
- Contact liviCare immediately if you notice any suspicious or fraudulent transactions
- Check your transaction notifications, transaction history and statements 
- Take reasonable security measures to protect your personal information and safeguard your mobile device 


Please contact liviCare at (852) 2929 2998 to submit your application.

livi’s Happiness is where we bring delights and rewards for spending and saving. Here you can explore our ever-updating rewards, exclusive offers and pleasant surprises!

1. Get your Invitation Code by tapping the "Invite Friends" banner;


2. Share your Invitation Code with your friends.


Remind your friends to enter your Invitation Code during account opening!

Please refer to the relevant terms and conditions for more details.

Unless stated otherwise, promotion rewards are automatically credited into your account immediately upon fulfilling the requirements. Please refer to the relevant promotion pages and terms and conditions for more details.


If you are eligible but haven’t received your reward, please contact liviCare at (852) 2929 2998 or via Live Chat in livi app. We are happy to assist you. 

u·plan is a platform provided by UnionPay International which brings together various shopping and dining offers. You can enjoy discounts and complete payments simply by redeeming u·plan e-Coupons via livi app and presenting the QR code to merchants for scanning. The process is fast and convenient.


For questions about using e-Coupons at retail stores, please contact the merchants directly. For questions about redeeming or using e-Coupons, please contact UnionPay International via their Customer Service Hotline on 800-967-222 (dial directly with no roaming voice call charges). You may need to provide the e-Coupon number and the name of the promotional campaign.


Log in to the livi app and go into the liviVerse from the Happiness tab. If you've won a livi NFT, you will see it in the liviVerse.
NFT stands for non-fungible token. It is a non-interchangeable unit of data stored on a blockchain, a form of digital ledger.
Blockchain is a distributed ledger (or database) of transactions that is not controlled by a central authority. Blockchain stores data in blocks, which differs from a typical database. Once transactions are added to a ledger, they are immutable, meaning they cannot be modified or erased.
You are granted a license to display the livi NFT allocated to you for your private, non-commercial use. As an NFT holder, you may enjoy exclusive access to livi's service, discounts, and many more features to come in liviVerse. Stay tuned!

Suspicious apps may gain access to your banking information without your approval. To protect your information, please delete the suspicious apps from your device by following the below steps:

- Go to your device's Settings, select "Apps" or "Application Manager," and locate the apps

- Tap on each app and select "Uninstall" to remove it from your device

- Once all suspicious apps are uninstalled, you can return to livi app and tap "Try Again"

If the suspicious app can’t be uninstalled successfully, you can try the following steps:

- Go to “Settings” > “Security” > “Device Administration”

- Deactivate any suspicious app's administrator privileges by tapping on the app and selecting "Deactivate"

- Return to the list of apps and try uninstalling the app again

- Go to your device's Settings and select "Apps" or "Application Manager"

- Locate the suspicious app from the list and tap on it

- Select the "Permissions" or "App Permissions" option

- Review the permissions granted to the app and look for any suspicious or unnecessary permissions

- To deny a permission, simply toggle it off or tap on it and select "Not allowed"

Here are some security tips to keep in mind when downloading apps:

- Only use trusted app stores like the Google Play Store or other official app sources

- Avoid downloading apps from unfamiliar websites or third-party stores

- Be cautious of apps that request excessive permissions or ask for sensitive information irrelevant to their functionality